Thursday, June 07, 2007



I am tired of all the damn comments about how I should post. I really don't know why I should post since pretty much everyone who reads this knows what I have been up to, but the requests will continue until such time as I relent and share the comings and goings of my sorry existence. So here we go. I have recently taken up the study of 18th Century Poeticism and I must say that the works of Lord Byron are masterful in their darkness. But enough about my hobby. I have also purchased two brilliant new albums. Megadeth- United Abominations, and Dream Theater- Systematic Chaos. I lack the proper vocabulary to adequately describe my enjoyment of these two masterpieces. Once again these two seminal bands exceed my wildest expectations and render me incapable of suitable prose. I know what you all are thinking. ENOUGH WITH THE INTELLECTUAL BABBLE. I agree. Anyway, I am enjoying these albums very much and I encourage all to acquire them. I have also been trying to locate a copy of the new Megadeth live DVD and have so far been thwarted by local retail merchants. I suppose I will have to get it online unless a miracle happens in the next few days. Other then that I am carrying on my usual pitiful existence and will continue to do so until such time as the universe sees fit to end it. Sunny outlook eh? BRB going to poke a bear in the eye with a stick.


Super Doom Monkey said...

Yay! New Enfuego Postings! Hooray! Now just keep it up. Your posts never cease to amuse. Now, onward to pester someone else who hasn't posted recently......

Unknown said...


I have downloaded both the albums you are speaking about but only listened to both tracks. Dream Theater does kick ass I will make sure to check out their newest offering more in depth. I've been listening to a lot of NIN for some odd reason

i am vanlandw

you are enfuego

Super Doom Monkey said...

The sad thing is after all this trouble to update, Vanlandw only knew about this because I told him. And I only know about it because you told me, although I would have found it. But no one else who was harassing you to update has found this yet. Let's see how long it takes 'til they do.

Enfuego Miguel said...

Agreed. I am curious to see how long it takes.

Anonymous said...

That's the point of a blog - to write stuff for people to read. If you're not going to write anything, why have one? Am I right? But I sure do like your update.

Enfuego Miguel said...

Then you need to get on other people for their lack of posting. Why does it seem that I am the only person who is repeatedly berated for not updating on the events in my lackluster life?

Unknown said...

you really are enfuego mike

everybody to some extent gets grief for not updating their website. look at my most recent post there are two people badgering me to update!

you are enfuego and you have a nice sonoma truck and a nice 10 foot pool :-*


Super Doom Monkey said...

Hey, I update regularly, and Vanlandw still gives me shit.

PS time to update