Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Well, it is official. I should be banned from all modes of communication while I am drunk. All I do is make a complete ass of myself. Funny though it may be to some, I can not help but feel like a utter douche. Hopefully, in the future I will be able to hold my alcohol, or at the very least, refrain from using either the internet or the phone. Bad shit happens when I do that. I am clearly a complete mess.


Anonymous said...

Enfuego YOU ROCK.....Im mean who else has enough balls to admit in text that they would like to cum in their friends sisters. You just say what others won't. So cheers to Enfuego's GREAT BALLS OF least you have a pair my frined.


Anonymous said...

You're worse than a woman when you're drunk!
I drunk dialed Vanberge once. So don't feel bad. I'm still embarrassed about it.

Anonymous said... should get drunk every day.

i hope you either got some "trim" or masturbated in your "intox" state :-[

Enfuego Miguel said...

Apparently, I am the only person who thinks that me communicating while drunk is a bad thing. WOW.

Anonymous said...

your a good man enfeugo. i like drunk enfuego. did you end up doing any of the two things i said i hope you did?

Enfuego Miguel said...

Neg, I went to bed alone and didn't give myself the "helping hand"

Anonymous said...

I hope the post you're formulating at this very moment is how your drunk communcation has led to sweet love making.