Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Current Existence

This pretty much sums it all up.


Anonymous said...

Are you angry enfuego?

Super Doom Monkey said...

I don't have the attention span for a 5 minute music video. This is going to take me a week to watch.

Super Doom Monkey said...

Ok I lied, I do have the attention span. Granted the only words I picked up on were "insanity" and "mind control," so I have to assume that the government has taken over your brain. Yay government mind control devices. OO wait. I remember "out of body, out of mind" now too. so not only has the governement taken over, but has trapped your soul in something and installed a new operator. Now I'm just weirded out.

Unknown said...

Dream Theater kicks total ass. Regardless you are a good man enfuego and I respect your existence. I am sorry you are in "Constant Motion" :'(

Unknown said...

apparently your existence consists of shitty prog metal. here is my existence at the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op_E6sQzvwY i'm going to see these guys at the intersection next month. you should come along, assuming you dont mind being eaten alive and having your corpse shit out with satan's name inscribed into your empty skull.

Unknown said...

it's about that time again for you to update your homepage enfuego :'(

Enfuego Miguel said...

I have not and will not look at whatever "Emo"Tee has posted. Clearly whatever it is has to be absolute putrid camel feces.