Friday, December 08, 2006

Interspecies Erotica

I tell you what, there is nothing like seeing a chick blow a mule. Unless of course it is a guy blowing a mule, and then fucking it in the ass. To those of you now going what the fuck is Enfuego talking about, clearly you haven't seen Clerks 2. To those who have I say..... Oh!
What does this have to do with anything, the answer is really nothing. But given that my life is a full fucking waster, and once again I am being pestered to post, I decided to treat the world with a review of my current favorite movie. If you are at all a fan of Kevin Smith's movies ( barring Chasing Amy of course) the I highly endorse the purchase of the DVD. I mean how often do you "anal"yze the complex subject of ass to mouth, or contemplate the pros and cons of being with a chick with an oversized clit. These are just a few of the jems that come from the rich mine that is the mind of Smith. So go out and purchase the movie or else you are just a hideous fucking CHUD. Snoochie Boochies!

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