Saturday, March 07, 2009

An Update From Work. ( Just Cause I Can )

It has been quite some time since I have chosen to share any news with you. Frankly I really haven't had anything interesting to share, aside from the pics that have preceded this post. Alas, I still have nothing overly interesting to speak of, other than the purchase of an EEE PC and the fact that I will be moving in about a month's time. So you might ask, why is he wasting my time with this crap? Well, I am at work, I have internet and I can. Enough said. BRB.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Enfuego,

I am glad you purchased an EEE so I'm not the only one with a tiny laptop. Everywhere I go people ask me about it it's pretty cool actually. Also you should write a review of Mass Effect next time work is slow.
