Friday, March 31, 2006

Day Off Madness

Sweet Buddha I love days off!
Let's see, after going to the bar and then getting Taco Bell of doom( Grilled Chicken Ceasar Stuffed Burritos are the Fucking Shit) I stayed up with Meyer and Jefe watching the last 2 episodes of 24 that I have missed due to the new job. I rolled into bed about 5 am and got up today at 1pm. To add to that sweetness, today is payday and my first Spectrum check is the shit and it isn't even a full check. And to cap it all off, apparently Meyer has foolishly entered a drinking contest with someone described as a machine so I may have to see how that turns out, I think Meyer is going to literally die so it will probably be funny as hell. I think that this will turn out to be the best day that I have had for a while so I had better enjoy it to the fullest. BRB

Thursday, March 30, 2006


I thought this was very funny and very appropriate.
You Are Scary

You even scare scary people sometimes!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Whipped Horribly

As I write this I have just completed my longest shift at the hospital to date. While it might not seem like a lot, a half hour can sometimes last a lifetime. Not that there is a lot to my job, the endless walking does tend to take a toll on you.( Is it Thursday Yet?) Work is going pretty damn good and I am starting to get the hang of some of the more technical aspects. I am not really looking forward to working this weekend, but it should be interesting to have Friday and Monday off.( Yay 24!) In closing I must say that GOD DAMN are there some beautiful women at that hospital and that I look forward to getting to know a few/all of them:)
Thanks to Vanlandw for posting my badge.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Greetings Greetings!

After much deliberation I have finally gotten around to creating my own Blog. This has been on my list of things to do for a while now. So without further adieu, I welcome one and all into the most terrifying place in existence..... The mind of ENFUEGO!